How to Be a Mortgage Broker

E4- Proactively Awaiting Your License

Jamie Ushko and Jenn Marx Season 1 Episode 4

In today's episode, Jenn and Jamie discuss the things you can do while you wait for your licensing and registration to be done. Right now, it can take up to 8 weeks for your license to be processed so it's important not to lose momentum at this stage. There are still several things you can be doing to prepare.

Some of the CRM's mentioned in this episode are:
Velocity CRM- This is for if you use Velocity for Apps

Not mentioned:

Thank you for listening, if you have any questions, suggestions or comments please send us an email: or

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04 what do do while you wait.mp3 



This is how to be a mortgage broker where we investigate the mortgage topics you need to accelerate your business and become an expert in this dynamic industry. 

Hi Jamie, how are you doing this? 

Week hey Jen, I'm good how are. 

You good good. 

Yeah, I know. 

OK, no complaints. 

It's been an awesome week I'm. 

I'm wrapping up a lot, usually month and you know you you get. 

Your file is funded hopefully by the end of the month. 

You know refinances. 

And things like that. 

'cause people will drag. 

Defeat on getting a document so I have quite a few wrapped up for the end. 

Of October, which. 

I'm really excited about. 

That's awesome and then you. 

Can kind of. 

Start the month fresh right? 

I don't know 'cause my week just went nuclear. 

Blew up. 

I know you. 

Gotta remind yourself that you chose this right chose this career. 

I did it. 

Yeah, it's just funny it. 

I don't know how it happens, but you go to bed at night. 

Thinking I don't know how. 

This is going to work out tomorrow and then the next day comes and you've got four active files and they're all super complicated and nothing straightforward, and they all need to be done in five. 

Business days, huh? 

Yeah, well with conditional removals exactly it's it gives all these seeds that you plant, right? 

As you're going along and you're mentioning. 

All these people and and then it can all come to fruition right at the same time and and so it's not. 

But it's not hard. 

To go from I'm I'm in control. 

I got all my calls returned. 

I'm good you know I'm feeling great to holy man I'm yeah I'm syncing and I'm working till 11:00 o'clock midnight tonight because you have to get it submitted because of timelines. 

Yeah, it's. 

And especially right now because rates some. 

Some have already gone up, but some you know. 

At midnight tonight, so. 

It's going to be. 

It's going to be a fun, busy day and. 

Yeah, we were talking about rates so fixed rates are going up right now in our world and the variables staying the same. 

But you and I both had quite a few clients panicking and talking about locking in already. 

Which it's unfortunate 'cause we just put them in a variable a couple months ago and it yeah, over a percent less so. 

Trying to keep them from panicking because that's the worst thing you want is to make Canada to put it up a quarter of a point in March or April and everyone panic and lock in, and by then fixed rates will be closer to 3% than 2%. 

And their variable is, you know, quite low still probably 1.105 about for for the new purchases so. 

Yeah, if you're. 

Guaranteeing your losses when you lock in. 

'cause you are and then you can guarantee a pretty high penalty as well. 

I'm I'm a variable fan myself. 

I've you know, usually take the. 

Variable and it's done really well. 

There's a little penalty associated with it and it always outperforms the fixed rate and most people end up paying the penalty regardless 'cause they usually break it in year four, yeah? 

Yeah, at some point or another it it usually happens, I know and and I know at times in the past were variable rate mortgages were even more like right now they're it's. 

It's a good deal. 

Just obviously it's a great spread, but in I I've been told that in the past there has been. 

It's a great spread. 

It's been easy to sell the variable rate even when it's higher than the fixed rate. 

Just because of the penalty. 

And it's your age too I. I think a lot of times people choices are based on their age because I've had so many clients so well in the 80s prime rate was 17%. I have never experienced anything near that when I started lending, Prime was 4.25. 

Yeah, yeah. 

And it's just gone down in the last 20 years. 

That's all I've seen is down down, down so yeah. 

And and it would be scary if it did skyrocket, but the likelihood? 

It's yeah, it's it's. 

I mean it's slim to none that it'll skyrocket, but it's going to go up a little bit. 

It's funny. 

I was actually talking to a financial planner this morning. 

Thing and he was we were talking about the rates 'cause we love stuff like that and and he it's interesting so he said there's no way that bank Canada will raid raids. 

The prime rate as much as people are scared that they will, he said if they raise it 1% then then they're paying on their debts as well and they've taken out a lot of debts. 

To bail out the Canadians because of COVID. So they've taken out all this money and if they raised the interest rate then he he said if there is at 1% that'll add 15 years onto the repayment of the debt just from interest. So it's that much and and so so the bank Canada they can they. 

Can navigate that and so do you. 

Do they want to pay more on their interest to like it? 

It really has to be justified. 

To increase it significantly. 

Lee, that's interesting. 

Yeah, I know. 

I wouldn't even thought about it from that 'cause I always think about it as a consumer. 

Yeah, but from their side they're boring money too. 

And they born a lot. 

Yeah, that's that. 

That's an interesting perspective. 

I've gotta focus this week on coming up with. 

Some sort of grill to really? 

Plain what's happening right now, and the difference is so that people are just getting the headlines that are really exaggerated and scary and just something so that they can feel like they're not making a decision out of fear. 

Fear based decisions are the the worst. 

So just educating on what that's really good advice from the financial advisor. 

Yeah, I I wouldn't have even thought of it from from that end and and there is a lot of information out there that's just irresponsible. 

'cause I know this morning, remember we were on that zoom meeting this morning. 

They were saying that there was one advisor from a major. 

Bank, who said that there's going to be 8 increases? 

In the next. 

Yeah, but that's terrifying. 

Year and a. 

Half and where are? 

You yeah, where are you picking those numbers out of? 

Let's give me, give me some fact based evidence here because honestly, I don't see it happening. 

I don't either, and I mean we don't have a crystal ball, but I'm pretty sure like there's no fortune teller that other than that guy. 

Apparently they would say there's going to be 8. 

Increases that he knows that this. 

But it. 

Yeah, this is recorded, but anyways, yeah so I guess we should. 

We should talk about our topic for the day we. 

Could talk about. 

Like actual mortgage stuff all day long I think. 

Now I know interest rate stress. 

That's that's yeah. 

Ah, the job. 

But yeah, no. 

It is. 

Let's let's talk about what we were going to talk about. 

So this was. 

Majorly important to me for months this summer. 

So it's it's. 

A topic near and dear to my heart and it is what to do while you're waiting for your license to come in because it feels like years because you're so excited you wrote your exam. 

You're anxious to get your results, you pass. 

You sign up with a brokerage and then you're like, alright, let's go, I'm ready. 

And then, alas, you must wait 6 to 8 weeks or more, especially this summer. 

There's just so many new agents that are starting and so everybody was delayed, so there is. 

There's a lot that you can actually do in that time while you're waiting, so you don't have to slow down and lose that momentum in that excitement, because there's actually a ton of stuff that you can do during that time other than bug your mentor. 

Every day focus a little bit, but yeah, no, I'm here. 

And if anyone is looking for a current update so this is the third week in October and I'm waiting for one of my girls to get her license and she sent it in September 2nd. 

So we're yeah, it's getting longer the way it's getting longer, so planning is essential. 


Don't quit your day job right? 


It all started doing this prep while you were still working at your other job and yeah, so this is what you can do while you still are working. 

Yeah 100%. 

Yeah, I didn't quit my job until I was fully on boarded and I think for a couple of weeks. 

Yeah it was 'cause I got. 

Yeah, it was a couple of weeks anyways and and that was that was. 

It I don't. 

Know I don't know how people do 2. 

Jobs and this job. 

Or another job in this job? 

It's fully encompassing for me, but anyway. 

It is and it should be. 

I think I. 

I mean I did it part time in. 

The beginning I had two. 

Kids, which was a full time job so basically had. 

A full time job and a part time job. 

But it's if you're going to get the full benefit of it. 

There's so much to learn that I I feel if you are able to do. 

It as a full time gig, I totally agree. 

'cause once you get a couple mortgages and I mean the average mortgage in our area, I think is actually it's gone up. 

I'm sure I'm using old old. 

Knowledge, but the average price of the home in Nanaimo is now 7 / 700 and $50,000. 

For an average home. 

So if you look at. 

Someone putting the minimum down payment down. 

The average mortgage. 

You know on those homes can be five $600,000, so average 1% Commission. You know if you have. 

Two files closing in a month. 

That's a great salary that you can you can manage with that as a full time job exactly. 

Yeah, and it's. 

And and if you've budgeted properly, then that's. 

More than enough because you're supposed to have set aside some six months expenses. 

Right, yes, if they listen to us in episode. 

I think that was. 

Yeah, so OK first one. 

I love them. 

I know. 

Because you said it caused you so much stress. 

So let's talk about the first one on the list. 

That you can do. 

Oh yes, the first. 

So the first one I know I don't know why I hated it so much 'cause I'm not like camera. 

Shy but it. 

And this turned out beautiful. 

Says to person on a podcast. 

Yeah, oh thank you thanks, they did. 

I don't know but yeah the the the. 

Business headshots 

It shuts the best. 

They were abich to get done. 

Yeah, yeah, I don't know it was stressful for me. 

That's why you said that. 

Hopefully it won't be stressful for you guys 'cause you're normal, but then. 

It can be covered by your your office. 


Yeah, exactly so yeah, you can get your headshots at any time, so go get those done. 

Book the appointment, make sure you go to somebody who's professional is going to make you look good, where something I don't know I did. 

I did read a little bit about getting nice headshots and there were. 

Some tips like. 

And if you're their company colours, like if your company. 

Colour is green. 

And like maybe we're something complementary or not completely? 

That's going to be awful. 

So if put your headshot on your business card or on a template, and you're wearing like a bright red shirt and you're you have a green, you know background, it might, yeah. 

And blue colors. 

Just so just think about that. 

Oh, that's interesting. 

I never thought about that. 

I always just thought with those with your skin. 

Tone 'cause? 

Overall, yeah, yeah, I can never wear orange or anything. 

Like that yeah, yeah, fair enough I don't. 

Yeah yeah I'm just not for everybody but anyway. 

So headshots and. 

Then headshots, I mean, I, I just don't know how her down that too is is look at their portfolio, look at what they've done because right now I mean we all know with social media angles are really important. 

I remember the girl that did mine. 

She was like up on a ladder looking down and it was awesome. 

You know, like it was great. 

That angle worked and she knew that she was like. 

OK, I'm going to go up really high. 

It's going to look really high, but it'll make your shots look good. 

And yeah they do and to. 

Make you look warm and inviting and just tell. 

Them and I actually had a friend come along with me, so if I had hairs out of place and that she just, she was really nice and and. 

She came in. 

She like just tweaked it a little bit, or if I was like shiny or you. 

Know things like that, so that's cool. 

So if you have a buddy. 

Bring him along. 

I totally agree with that. 

Make sure you've looked at the portfolio, yeah? 

And it makes the IT makes it feel more natural, because when you're just smiling like my smile when I'm genuinely smiling versus my smile when I'm like smiling for a camera is night and day. 

They're not even close to being the. 

Same thing, so if you're if the person doing our headshots isn't genuinely making you laugh or smile, then it you know you could end up looking a little bit awkward in your photos. 

I got some like natural looking ones I think, but it was 99% of them were were not that way. 

Thousands of pictures. 

To get like 2 so yeah yeah. 

They do, and I actually. 

It was funny. 

I drew on. 

Some old modeling tips 'cause when I was younger I did some modeling and yeah like close your eyes, exhale and then open your eyes. 

You know, little tips like that I. 

Oh yeah, you told me about that, yes? 

Told you about that, yeah, and it does. 

Even then you just kind of come out. 

Of it, so yeah, you can. 

Yeah, look at tips and get a good photographer because you're gonna be happy with them. 

You're gonna be splashing that photo everywhere and I would say get two good ones minimum because you don't want the same one on everything. 

If you do, you know some sort of newsletters or business cards or prints. 

So yeah, get 2 headshots. 

See if your office will cover the cost for you, and search out a good. 

A good photographer. 

And then also you can. 

Set get your. 

Domain name and set. 

Up your website so. 

You can at least get your email address, get it, go get a Google domain or whatever. 

I did Google so that it was all Gmail kind of stuff, but if you're a local person I don't know there's other ways to do. 

It, but you can set up. 

Your website get your. 

Domain name, get it to be your name so that you have something separate from. 

Or or what works? 

For you you know. 

Like spitball it, think about it so. 

Whatever works for you. 

Get that, get that domain, yes, absolutely. 

Absolutely get that set up and then you can start doing the social media cleaning every social media. 

I think we talked about that last episode. 

You can update your LinkedIn and. 

And you're you can. 

Only if you're not going to quit. 

Your job yet? 

Right, sorry, caution. 

If you're going to. 

Quit your job. 

Don't don't update LinkedIn until you've given notice. 

Yes yes, fair enough. 

And then then. 

And do a post. 

'cause you can post on LinkedIn right? 

I don't use it very much, but you can do it like any announcement and. 

Oh yeah, yeah totally. 

And then you might want to get your handles for Instagram and Twitter as well. 

Or tick tock tick no. 

I'm supposed to talk. 

Yeah, before Major I I would do the four majors if that's what you're going to do. 

I don't detect Doc. 

I'm a little older than you, so I don't do that yet. 

But yeah, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter I do do. 

And you can use who tweet is what I use and you can do one. 

Post and post them. 

All across the board, so don't feel like you have to go in individually. 


One post it, that's just that you learn as you go, but yeah, lock down everything that is gonna have your name on it and decide. 

Don't don't be wishy washy, don't go oh I'm I'm, you know Denmark mortgage planner and then oh, if you're signing something awesome Denmark mortgage architect or I'm Denmark mortgage pro like you have to stick with something and have continuity. 


Yeah, absolutely. 

And then go. 

Google Business I. 

That was something that I. 

Didn't set up. 

Right away, and I wish I had of because my first few several files I hadn't. 

I didn't have my Google business set up online yet, so I didn't get reviews on there. 

I got them on. 

Somewhere else so. 

And it takes awhile 'cause well. 

So yeah, you have to mail in a thing. 

Or they mail you. 

Some confirmation of the address and that's the other thing too. 

So it has to be connected to an address, so I'm not I don't have like a physical office. 

I work from home. 

So if Jenn you had suggested you can set up a PO Box. 

Or something like. 

I don't know if you can. 

Yeah, I give you. 

I don't know if you can do. 

A virtual for. 

Google, can you? 

No, you can 'cause the office. 

So I do rent a physical office so whenever I set up my Google business they mailed a postcard here and it was easy. 

I punched out code and verified that I had an office here, but the office that I work out of there. 

Are I believe? 

About 40 real estate agents who use it as a virtual office, so we kept getting these Google cards coming in, but so you can. 

Actually pay, they pay a monthly fee to have a virtual office collect their mail and so they all still work from home. 

They don't have an office. 

Office but for advertising purposes it shows up here. 

There Google business is here. 

OK cool yeah. 

Yeah, so that's how that works. 

OK so there you go yeah and it takes a couple weeks so. 

Yeah, and just to. 

It does, yes, so do. 

It right away. 

As soon as you know where you're going to operate out of and for safety to. 

When I first started out I I don't know how this happened, but I googled my name and someone had my personal address on a listing for the mortgages and it. 

Working out so I don't know how that happened because I was pretty careful about not putting it out there and all of a sudden I saw my home address so I right away got in contact with that directory and said, how do you have my home address? 

Why advertising it? 

And they didn't even respond. 

They just removed it. 

So they're really cautious of that. 

You know, I. 

I wouldn't want people to know my home address. 

Just for safety reasons. 

No, that's fair. 

And then once you have your head shops, you can order your business cards. 

If you're going to do business. 

Cards, uh? 

There is. 

I'm just going to add to that if your license number needs to be on your business card, then just you have to wait until you. 

Get your license. 

Yeah, Oh yeah, good point. 

So that's one thing. 

So you could. 

Yeah, you can do the Vistaprint, or they get the template setup. 

You can design your card but just wait until you have your license number to put that on there. 

Yeah, good point. 

And you can also do. 

You can start doing. 

Your social media. 

Posts for the year. 

Like you can get on. 

A website like Canva. 

And create them and you know, do your Mother's Day post 'cause you're not going to have time you know, do your do your posts for Saint Patrick's Day. 

Yes, yeah, I wish I had to work more on that. 

Kind of stuff in. 

The beginning, because you're right, there's never time after. 

Yeah, and you know what I I know. 

If you want to tap love Canva yeah well canvas excellent. 

I Canada. 

I actually did a course with a social media expert and so every she basically would go through the calendar. 

That calendar meeting. 

OK we have Remembrance Day. 

We have this day this day 'cause. 

There's a holiday for. 

Everything I don't know if you realized it or not, but there's like national cat day, National Dog day, national Sunday national daughter day. 

You know you can find an excuse to post, like probably seven or eight times a month. 

So if you really wanted to be on it at the beginning of the month, you can go OK. 

What's coming up? 

This month, oh, it's national Lasagna day, honestly. 

Like you can, you can find an excuse to to put out social media for anything. 

And so that's what she would do. 

She would pick about 6:00 or so a month and and set them up at the beginning of the month and they would go out and she never had to think. 

About it again it. 

To show up and she's like, well, yeah I did that and so that's a good thing get get into consistent. 

A consistent habit with that. 

And that kind. 

Of brings me to another .2 which is you can take like a social media strategy course. There's so many of them offer online or at least do some of your own research. 

Search and come. 

Up with your. 

Social media strategy and plan. 

What kind of content you're gonna be posting 'cause you shouldn't just be posting mortgage stuff. 

24/7 'cause no one is ever going to want to follow you like even a mortgage agent wouldn't want to follow you. 

So you have to mix it. 

Up so you have to figure out what your. 

Other things are going to be so. 

That you can be consistent and you can be likable to more people. 

That rich stuff. 

So that's something you could do. 

You could take a course, you could do some research, come up with your marketing strategy, and actually put some thought and effort into it, because there's a lot of stuff out there and a lot of people aren't doing it right. 

Myself included, but I'm working on that, yeah? 

And and you can snap photos and gather content when you're out and about and you don't have to do something right away 'cause that that's what I used to get stressed about is like I have to do a post and and I could. 

I could have gathered, you know, weeks worth of photos here and there and all around of like my boys skating, or you know, whatever that makes you personable and likeable. 

And then just. 

Set them all up at the beginning of the month and fire him. 

Out, you know? 

You don't have to just click and go right? 

You can do it later in plan. 

Ahead, I think we should have a separate episode and have somebody on because I have somebody that I've had that is helping me right now and I wonder if I could get her to come on and talk about social media strategy. 

That would probably be helpful. 

Let's do it. 

OK sure, and your social media strategy might be to pay someone else for your. 

Social media and that's invited you too. 

Yeah, yeah it might be. 

Yeah, it is. 

You just have to come up with what your plan is and and and do it. 


Yeah, I'll ask her if she'll come on because that would be 'cause we just did it yesterday actually. 

And she got more posts out of me and. 


1/2 an hour then I'd come up with over the last several months that I've been doing this job. 

She doesn't do this job. 

And it probably takes her like 10 seconds. 

It took her 10 seconds, yeah. 

Then she posted. 

Yeah me. 

It takes me like 5 minutes and I second guess myself and figure out hashtags and it's just a waste of time. 

Yeah yeah, so OK, we'll do something like that that would. 

Be cool, the templates is a. 

Is another one. 

It's a good. 

Time to come up with like your your signature for your email. 

So what your sign off thing is going to be, it might. 

Be hard to do that depending on your situation. 

Like if you're going to get template from the company, you might not have the online sign in codes and stuff yet until you're licensed, so you might not be able to use what they have, but you could come up with something at least so that when you when you send out emails you've got at the bottom, you've got your. 

You know your. 

Name your phone. 

Number and all that stuff I don't even. 

Research it right. 

Just go through a bunch of emails and go. 

Oh, I like this person signature. 

I like this style. 

And just, you know, do like a little little art board on it. 

This is how I want it to look when I have the info because in my signature I have a link to my app so they can run numbers and I have a link to my application so I'll say if you want to apply now, here's the link. 

So it's right there on my signature of every single email, and it's surprising how people will still. 

Get it confused. 

'cause I I say clearly this is for running numbers. 

This line into map and this is for actually applying and they would always do the wrong thing. 

So I've I've tweaked it since, but it's important to have what you want to say and and. 

Have it have the layout anyway, it's easy. 

Make it yeah, totally. 

I have online storage as another one too for to. 

Set this unique. 

You need online storage. 

You need a backup and you need to decide who you're going to use, how much you're going to pay, and the process, and get used to the cloud. 

So do you know of any options for online storage? 

Yeah, so I, I use OneDrive and Dropbox primarily, but if there's a time. 


I mean, there's I cloud there's uh, there's only different ones, so you can look into whatever works for you. 

I would just say. 

To people plan plan on a. 

Backup so if you know a big cup of coffee spills on your laptop, what would you do? 

You know are you OK to access everything? 

You might be able. 

To have access to some training already through your brokerage. 

They probably have some modules that are, you know, open to everyone who joins, so they might be somebody might be able. 

To send you. 

That information, even if you don't have your login stuff yet. 

So you can read through that kind of thing. 

Oh, there's books too. 

I've read a lot of books. 

Listen to a lot of podcasts. 

Uhm, that's why we're doing this podcast 'cause. 

You didn't find the one that spoke to you. 

Yeah yeah, but. 

Strategies yeah, I mean, and I don't necessarily view this as a sales job. 

I know a lot of people do viewed as a sales job. 

I do. 

For me it's more. 

Of a service job. 

But yeah, if you. 

Want to brush? 

Up on your sales skills and take several sales books, business books. 

There's a wealth of information out. 

There that you can just tap into. 

And you know, if you have the. 

Time and it keeps you. 

Excited about it. 

Yeah and I. 

Don't know if maybe. 

Some of you have already done your business plan. 

Before you join the brokerage, but if you have joined a brokerage and you don't have a business plan yet, now would be a good time to work on your business plan. 

So we could probably do another podcast on that too. 

That's an excellent point. 

Essentially, you want to you want to you want to write down your goals and your strategy on how you're going to get there like step by step. 

Because goals are nothing without a plan. 

Definitely, they're just. 

They're just wishful. 

Thinking yeah you can start doing sorry. 

I was just gonna say so so well like it's really important that you know you can't do mortgage brokering activity. 

You can still spread the word you know, spread the word to everyone you know. You know I, I know when when tip is make a list of 100 people you know, let them know. 

That you're changing careers and you'll be able. 

To you know, do mortgages soon really? 

Oh yeah, it's never too soon to reach. 

I mean, I think people knew that I was getting into this industry. 

For a year before I was licensed, yeah. 

And just be careful that. 

You're not letting colleagues know if. 

If you're planning on. 

Leaving a job. 

Uhm, you can do research to on a CRM your. 

Just decide on a CRM if if they haven't recommended one. 

Yeah, it's there's there's there's a lot of different tools out there. 

If I know who what they're using at your at your brokerage, talk to other Members on their team and and do your own research to because it's different for everybody. 

People starting out. 

A lot of people starting out. 

Just use Excel because it's free and. 

And you don't have a whole lot going on like right now. 

For me. 

I can still mail I I still mail thank yous and congratulations because I can keep track of it because I don't have. 

A ton of clients, but having said that, if I were to include everyone into my CRM like family and friends, then I'm already. 

Not doing that well. 

Remembering birthdays and stuff like that's never been one of my strong points, but I think once you have a. 

CRM, you should be able. 

That should all be. 

Taken care of. 

So yeah you can get. 

Feedback on all of them. 

Two people have usually done the work before you. 

You know your new colleagues have probably tried a couple. 

I know we have a colleague who's tried them all and we know what she loves. 

She just did. 

A zoom meeting on it recently and it's it's important to start out right? 

And and from the beginning because I didn't. 

You know, I just started gathering clients and I hadn't had it organized in all the information going into the one CRM. 

So while these people are new while you're a new broker started out right, get get a process down. 

So right now, can we name off a few just for? 

Or it's not even like we're advertising for it just so people can do their own research 'cause I don't even know what is the best one. 

I, I don't think. 

You do either with nobody you don't know. 

Well, most brokerages have have one built in. 

Well, I actually, I shouldn't say that 'cause I, I'm not entirely confident I know the one that I'm with does, which I like, which is basic, and it's included in my monthly fee. 

So that's the one I use, but I am going to be doing something more in in the springtime and thinking the one that we just talked about. 

Was go Max which is Canadian, which is nice because sometimes. 

Like like another option is jungle, but it was American based, right? 

And so the terminology can be very different. 


So gold Box is a good one because it is in Canada and it's mortgage broker based. 

So make sure your CRM is mortgage broker base or real estate based to start with for share. 

OK, that's a good point. 

And then blue is. 

Another one, yeah, we're going to do. 

Some training on blue soon and see if that's an option. 


Blue mortgage I believe it's called. 

Yeah I I have heard about theirs before and I've been curious to learn more, so we'll see. 

Any other ones that you've come across? 

Those are kind of the three major ones. 

That I know of. 

Yeah, those are the only ones. 

That I can think of unless. 

Velocites launching there's, but that is one specific to their their system, right? 


'cause they're their mortgage application system, and so they they have one too. 

I've yet to dive deep into it 'cause. 

It's pretty massive, so. 


Yeah, so that's we'll we'll broad. 

Those into the show notes and. 

I will see if. 

There's any that we're missing I'm I'm sure we are missing some. 

What else is there? 

There is create a zumaque. 

Now everything is on zoom, so sign in, create a zoom account. 

You don't have to pay for zoom, which is really good. 

I paid just because I record it for our team, but just. 

To attend zoom. 

It's free, I mean yeah I do. 

You do. 

It's OK. 

But yeah, so to and I mean. 

Most people probably have a zoom account now 'cause? 

That's the way the world works. 

Yeah, zoom Google meet. 

Yeah, and then you talked about making the list of the possible referrals. 

Oh that's another good one too. 

Yeah you can. 

You can start doing this is so much like you can't even get all this done while you're waiting already. 

Yeah, yeah. 

Well, I think you can. 

It's too much. 

You get seven weeks but yeah, look at all the real estate agents in the area. 

Start doing database of them. 

Start meeting them. 

Talk to them. 

You know what? 

Who are they working with? 

Are they willing to work with someone else? 

Appraisers, that's a thing too. 

'cause you're you're going to be looked at. 

As a source. 

Of information too. 

So get in contact with a couple of home inspectors. 

You know that would love to, you know, refer to them. 

Cuz then you can say OK as soon as I get. 

My business cards I'm. 

Going to send them to you. 

Yeah I can send new business. 

Yeah, you can start taking people out for coffee or bringing them coffee. 

Should be able to. 

Get a hold of some. 

Broker kits 

Yeah yeah, yeah. 

While you're waiting. 

Even if you don't have your login and password yet, your mentor can download some modules 'cause I know for myself, I sent about 10 modules to you guys. 

There was nine or 10. 

There's a group of them that I sent out. 

And then you can. 

You can do compliance training. 

That's something you can do ahead of time, and it could be as simple as I have to do a deal and I have to do the compliance so I could just sing with you guys and you can watch me do it. 

'cause I did it with one of my girls like right beside me one time and she just watch me do compliance on my file so that you know that will add a lot of confidence when they're doing it so. 

There's some training, definitely that you can take. 

And and specific training for actual mortgages, we always get our team to read the TD hand. 

'cause if anyone out there listening doesn't know yet, the TD handbook is a great place to start. 

So it's massive and it's in depth. 

And it answers almost every question. 

Yeah, and it's kind of. 

Easy, it's easy to. 

Go through and read too and not to play. 

Favorites for lenders so you don't want it to be taken as that way, but. 

A lot of the lender info is on the website and they won't have access to the website yet, right? 

Because as soon as you get your license then you go about signing up for all these individual lenders. 

People listening might not even know that that you have to go through that process. 

'cause I think that was kind of surprising to some of the people on our team is that they had to fill out this. 

Paperwork and get vetted for each lender. 

After they got their license. 

And so a lot of the information. 

Is just online on the. 

Site or. 

It's it's really small, like some of the some of the inputs, with some of the lenders online is like 3 pages. 

Oh yeah. 

Like how how? 

Is this covering enough and then some are really detailed like the end cap. 

One is really good because you can. 

Go under an. 

Income section and then you can pull out the. 

Income I'm doing one for a foster mom. 

And foster parent income doesn't show up on taxes. 

It's non taxable so I didn't know what to do. 

So it was nice. 

I could just click on there, click income, click type of income and it's really. 

Well laid out. 

But you won't have that access until you're signed up with that lender. 

So the TD. 

Broker Handbook is a really good starting point. 

To to just look through what's the. 

General guidelines and terminology to hey. 

Yeah Oh yeah. 

Determine often you. 

Get like like you had an incredible foundation that I hadn't even heard. 

About in 12. 

Years that concrete cable cable tension? 

Oh yeah, yeah cable tension condo I had post tension cable. 

Post tension cable. 

Yeah I had no idea that existed I hadn't. 

Run into that before. 

Yeah, there you go. 

It's weird. 

And you know that lenders that won't do. 

It yeah, now I do and age restrictions too. 

There's another one. 

But yeah, it's true that you you can read through all those and. 

And if this isn't enough. 

Send us an email. 

We'll give you some more things to do. 

Exactly, no, there's a 10 to fill up that seven weeks, and the biggest thing honestly spread the word tell everyone what's new. 

People always ask, hey Jamie, how you doing? 

We'll tell them I am so excited. 

I'm going to be a mortgage broker if you know anyone who's thinking about making a move or change, you know, please give them my number. 

Yeah, and you can follow. 

Some mortgage brokers mortgage agents on Facebook, Instagram. 

See the kind. 

Of stuff that they're post. 

Getting some see what's interesting. 

What catches your mind? 

This is a. 

Good, because you've just. 

Spent a ton of time learning from the textbook. 

Right now you're going to switch your brain over to real life learning and what's going on right now in the world of mortgages. 

What's happening? 

What's in the news? 

What's what's happening with? 

Rates what's happening with banking. 

Canada, you can really spend some time digging deep into to now like the reality. 

Of of the situation. 

Yeah, and a good source of information is mortgage professionals, Canada mortgage Pros, Canada. 

Get your. 

Log in and sign. 

On to that. 

As soon as you can. 

'cause they send out daily emails with all the new they pull from new sources all over and they they make it concise. 

So it's actually a good source of content too that you can. 

I remember having to. 

Wait to get that after I got my license. 

Until hydrolyzing. 

Yeah, but maybe somebody. 

Yeah, that's that's a good one. 

From your team can download and print or you know send you some stuff. 

Forward, oh. 

Yeah, for sure, and another thing too is you can join the Facebook groups. 

So if you know you're going to be, you know joining Mortgage Center Canada for example. 

You know join that group as soon as you can join the Facebook groups that are talking about mortgage. 

Exciting join Facebook groups for years and years and years. 

I didn't even realize it was a thing. 

I realized way too. 

Late and you were you were on. 

Oh my gosh. 

Them right away, hey. 

I was on those before I was a licensed. 

Jen I I joined the newbie group. 

The new because was new. 

This year though, it only. 

No, I I joined the newbie group before I even. 

Registered for the course. 

And a lot of people are doing that on. 

There now really I. 

Didn't even know that I didn't know you could, I thought. 

I think I wrote Jill a message please please please. 

Yeah, personalized it. 

Please let me in. 

Let me in. 

Yeah yeah. 

For those of you who don't know who found us before they found Joe Moellering. 

She's very passionate about helping out new people in the business and. 

She runs a great Facebook group, so it's a must to join that one for sure. 

Yeah, 100%, I I was just thinking too about. There were some other Facebook groups that you couldn't join unless you had. 

Proof that you. 

Were a mortgage agent like some of them were. 

A little bit more. 

Strict and but all you needed. 

Was was an email address, so like my email. 

My email is Jamie at mortgages by Jamie. 

So once I had that email address, I could I registered. 

You could get injured. 

Yeah, I could get in perfect so. 

So yeah, I. 

Got your email stuff sorted out, and then you might be able to pass as a as a mortgage agent. 

Let me get. 

Yeah, and there's these, really. 

On those groups. 

Specific ones to like women, women in the mortgage industry. 

I didn't even know that existed and I was so happy when I happened upon it. 

Yeah, yeah, we're fortunate because it's and. 

It's super helpful that you can go on there if you have a question, you can search it first to make sure that it hasn't already been answered recently. 

'cause a lot of questions get asked like over and over. 

And over again if. 

You just go to the. 

Top in the search bar you can enter in, you know. 

Something and find out what it is. 

OK, so we've we've just listed a ton of things that you can do during the the time while you're waiting to get your license. 

So what's our golden nugget going to be? 

So the best advice I think we have for this for this podcast and our Golden Nugget is going to be to make a plan because. 

You know you're going to be working. 

With the boat, roughly six weeks give or take. 

And it's so overwhelming to do it all at once. 

And you said that that helped you with goals, right? 

If you knew this week, I'm going to make my list of 100 contacts next week. 

I'm going to make this template. 

So yeah, our golden nugget is to make a plan and be clear on what you're going to accomplish and what you're going. 

To do every week of those six weeks. 

Break apart the list into little manageable pieces that you can do. 

Every day and then check them off the list. 

Scratch them off if you're anything like me, you complete a task and then you you write it down so you can just. 

Cross it out. 

I don't know if you do that too. 

To yeah I get. 

It I get a lot of satisfaction in checking. 

Off something or highlighting it when it's. 

Done for sure, yes. 

Yeah, for a full blown adult I get still very highly motivated by like. 

Stickers, sticker charts or whatever. 

Yes yeah, maybe even set little intermediary goal or rewards for yourself as you go just to keep the momentum and the motivation going. 

I know that that works well for me. 

I know it works well for you. 

Jen and I. 

Had some goals when we first met and we we. 

We put it reward. 

On the table and. 

Yeah, and it was quite a few months out right. 

It was almost half a year out and we were we were focused on after you did so many deals and get funded. 

So many like an X amount of deals we were going to do something fun and yet we're on the cusp of that and it's so exciting for the next week, we're. 

Going to go do something really fun. 

And really rejuvenating, we'll tell you guys all about it on the next podcast when we come back and we're all. 

Relaxed, right Jamie? 

Yes, sounds good. 

We're gonna be so Zen. 

Emphasis on Jamie being relaxed. 

Yeah, I can't. 

I think we can. 

Get there. 

Oh yeah. 

For sure, OK. 

Awesome, alright, well enjoy the rest of your day and I'm sure I'll be talking to you as soon as we get off this. 

Hang up. 

Run some. 

Yes, it's all good Gerald OK? 

Talk to you soon bye. 

Thank you for listening to how to be a mortgage broker podcast. If you have suggestions for upcoming episodes or would like to be featured on the show, please email Jamie at mortgages by That's Jamie at mortgages by 

You can find me Jamie on the daily brokering out of Kamloops, BC. 

Jenn Marks is based out of Vancouver Island where her career is thriving as she's raising her family, enjoying the beauty of the nature that surrounds her. 

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