How to Be a Mortgage Broker

E16- Social Media Marketing Instagram with Monika Adams

Jamie Ushko Season 2 Episode 16

Welcome to the latest episode of our podcast! In this episode, we have the pleasure of chatting with Monika Adams, a Social Media Marketing Expert who has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field. Monika shares her expertise on Instagram strategies that can help you gain clients and referral partners. 

As social media continues to play a major role in today's business world, it's crucial to understand how to leverage platforms like Instagram to grow your business. Monika provides insights on how to use Instagram to build relationships and trust with potential clients, as well as how to identify and engage with referral partners who can help expand your reach.

Whether you're a business owner, entrepreneur, or marketer, this episode is packed with valuable tips and strategies that you can apply to your own Instagram marketing efforts. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from a true expert in the field!

Monika Adams- 
on IG:@monikasocial
Canadian Mortgage App-

38:25.6 - 39:16.5 | 0 | en-us | 0.97 | the door for them to comment on your post so then it's opening the relationship again storytelling so if they post a story with their whatever they're going on a hike and I say all that looks like a nice trailer on and then they comment on my photo and sell it took you four of you and your baby it's opening up the relationship and then if I send them a message or they send me a message on my cornea. That lady you know Michelle oh she seems really nice so maybe I'll message her and see if she wants to set up a discovery call and the option if I have a 50 minute Discovery call with somebody else usually end up a fan of going to have services with me or be they will refer people to me cuz I know they actually understand what I fully do right yeah so just before we head out here he's given us so much information I am so grateful
39:17.2 - 40:17.1 | 0 | en-us | 0.98 | can you cut a break down the reels post stories carousels highlights like how are we supposed to be using all of these individual things so no that's a good question A good rule of thumb is if you're somebody that I mostly will tell people they should post three times a week it is a girl rule of thumb to kind of at least have one of those be a real per week and then the other one be opposed and the other one be either a carousel or just a post most people cannot be doing a real three times a week I just know that I know that for myself that's too much but doing one real a week and doing at least one post or two posts and that can be Carousel or just one graphic that is kind of the magic sauce so that you can keep your engagement up but then you have to remember you should be the least doing one story per day now you don't need to be like me and do five stories a day but for you should be doing at least
40:17.2 - 41:13.9 | 0 | en-us | 0.97 | one a day or two a day I get people you know like on today for example I do more Monday to Friday and I don't do as much Saturday Sunday cuz that's kind of like my husband and baby time so that I'll say it can always put you on a Saturday or Sunday but you should have one up 7 days a week even if it's Sherry from your old post okay so that's going to be my next question what are the stories like are they alive and do we have to be strategic about them so that we can use them later for the highlights cuz I just learned that not that long ago that the highlights are really just stories that you can kind of like organized together so and I never really been strategic about the stories that I posted before so I can't really put everything into highlights neatly the highlights are basically supposed to be like if you want somebody to come to your account they're stored for people to click on them so if you want to have like your testimonials your
41:14.8 - 42:14.6 | 0 | en-us | 0.97 | educational and then one is like your life so then you're putting them in them now if you're not going to remember to do that and it's just more important that your stories again follow the 80-20 rule that you show a little bit behind it supposed to be behind the scenes of your life the stories so you should show people what you're doing on me like kind of the weekend and not business stuff all the time and making sure that again if you have a testimonial that you're going to save that into your testimonial highlight if you have let's say it's your family time you're putting that in your family one most people have like three highlights some people might have 5 highlights again you can even just look at other people pages and see kind of what they're doing it as a good idea to get a look at some of the competition again not copying but seeing what they're doing and then adoption it to using it your way but it is good idea to just remember at least try to do a story a day and then making them
42:14.8 - 43:14.7 | 0 | en-us | 0.97 | somewhat so like 20% personal on 80% business but your story shouldn't be all business okay and our stories like can they be recycled from a post so if I had a post that was a testimonial that what I've ensured us a story like the same way or should you kind of do it later no it should be the same day so what I'll do is I'll do a post for my client and then I start right away to the story and then let's say on the weekend they don't post anything personal on Saturday or Sunday then sometimes I'll share that same thing again 3 days later to their story again because I didn't see it when I did it the first time so it is a good rule of thumb let's say you're just really busy or like I don't have anything to post your story today I'm going to post my pulse from 3 days ago and just reach out and say hey did you see that I mean it doesn't hurt to repurpose things I was telling people repurpose if you can I mean don't be annoying and repurpose it five ten times but it's okay sir
43:14.7 - 44:14.6 | 0 | en-us | 0.97 | repost your post a on Friday you did a post it's okay to re-share it today on true story cuz probably most people didn't see it anyways. Most people didn't see it in that way it's like you're kind of just reusing it to get its full potential okay last before we go I want to know from you how many followers do you think you need in order to be getting leaves and generating some income I guess off of all this work that you're putting in or that I'm putting in or the biggest thing is I mean it does take time I will tell people like I think seven thousand eight thousand followers and I mean you gotta remember I've been doing this for 6 years so it take time to do that but I would say that A good rule of thumb is that you're not going to see much when you're at a hundred or two hundred to be honest with you you're going to see more when you get to 500 so 500 is a good like when people start out that should be their first Target is
44:14.7 - 45:14.6 | 0 | en-us | 0.98 | but Ki need to get to 500 in a year or two and then the next one should be a thousand so then if you're at like 500 or 600 your next Target should be hey I want to get to 1000 it's always have a Target but again you have to make sure that you wouldn't people follow you as well that you follow them back cuz I will get a lot of people that start management with me and I go on their account and there's people that have asked to follow them and they didn't follow them back and I'll be like so why didn't you do that why didn't even know they followed me I didn't know where to go to do to call them back and I'm like oh you go here so if somebody follows you it's under the heart it's under notifications and so you have to go in there sometimes and follow people back because if you don't follow people back they're going to say well I'm not even going to engage on her stuff should even take the time to follow me back right I'm looking at mine right now it's relationship-building if if people spend the time to
45:14.7 - 46:13.6 | 0 | en-us | 0.97 | what's the follow you they want to see you follow them back before they even message you or engage further on your account that makes sense so you should have kind of the same amount of followers as you are following well yeah because some people will say to me like oh how come some of these accounts have their following nobody and I'm like well again I feel like that's not really a good rule of thumb because I want people to feel like I care enough to follow them so you'll see my numbers are pretty close the followers and the people I'm following and reason behind that is is because I want to open up the relationship and eventually it is good to go through an obviously unfollow people that are no longer active or let's say they're not a good fit anymore but I think it's more for you okay you got some homework today if anybody's listening this is one thing if you get out of this conversation today it's to go through and look at following people back
46:14.7 - 47:12.9 | 0 | en-us | 0.97 | okay yeah there we go after you do that that you'll start to get a little bit more traction okay thank you so much just been so great Monica I really appreciate you taking the time I know you're very busy and you've got a lot going on right now especially with your little one at home so I just can't thank you enough so everybody if you wants to check out more of Monica and she actually has her own podcast it's called to get discovered podcast with Monica social so go ahead and check that out and I'm sure they'll be lots more information on there that can help us out and then again took her out on her website and that is Monica and you can see her services and all the stuff that she does to thank you so much for having me and I look forward to hearing this when it's all live and sharing it all over Monica social awesome thank you so much have a good blessed day
47:13.9 - 47:33.4 | 0 | en-us | 0.98 | thank you for listening to how to be a mortgage broker if you love the show follow us and please leave us a review if you have questions or suggestions for the show or would like to be featured guests just email me at Jamie at mortgages by Jamie. Call Jamie Jamies mortgages by Jamie. Com